So in my quest to be "Super Mom" I have been lacking by not making yummy breakfast on the weekends. This morning I decided Ez and I would enjoy waffles. If you've seen Shrek, you recognize the reference from Donkey I used for the title. It's one of my favorite lines.
One of my favorite childhood memories was staying overnight with my mom's parents, Grandma Pat and Grandpa Verdaine. When my sister and I spent the night there, one thing was always guaranteed--grandpa was going to make waffles in the morning! I don't know what magic he put into them, but he always made the best-tasting waffles in the world. I think my mom suggested once that it was old waffle irons that make waffles taste so good, but I think it was the old waffle iron-ER. I'm telling you, no better waffles exist in the world.
Ezra and I are thoroughly enjoying our waffles for breakfast, even though they don't even touch my grandpa's. I feel bad for not doing this earlier (we have eaten them before, but it's been a really long time), especially after I realized it only took a few minutes and dirtied just one bowl (and our syrupy plates). Then again, one reason I don't usually make breakfast on the weekends is that Josh isn't a breakfast person at all, and he is especially not a fan of waffles (I know, what's wrong with him, right?!). Since he's on a ski trip with the youth until tonight, I didn't feel bad for eating wonderfulness in front of him...although I probably shouldn't let it bother me since it doesn't bother him. I guess I have an overdeveloped sense of fairness! :)
I leave you with a few pictures of my little man enjoying his waffle (topped with butter, syrup, and bananas--gotta get some healthiness in there, and he seems to like the bananas the best anyway, ha).
Showing off his favorite part (banana):
To help you find out, I asked him where his milk went...
Until next more waffles!
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