Last night I picked up another pack of underwear for Ez. Lucky for me, Faded Glory (aka cheapest brand) had a pack of PIRATE underwear (if you've been around Ez in the last few months, you know how awesome this is). Today he wore some underwear with "Beware" and a skull and swords on the back. When I came home from work, he still had the same pants on! :) That meant NO accidents ALL day!!! My mom had kept him and she said he went on his own all day. A few times, she would look up and he'd bee smiling at her from the potty, ha! My, what a long way we have come since my last post, eh? ;) I think that post helped me regain my sanity for the next few days, and he was starting to show that he was trained just a few days afterward (I think the post was on a Wednesday, and he 'had it' by Saturday night). I told Ez this morning that he had a 'pirate booty' (I enjoyed the play on words) and when I came home, I said, "You have the same pirate booty!" He repeated me, smiling and laughing, and adding, "Mommy, I missed you!" One of the best moments ever, no contest. To add a cherry on top, he just went #2 in the potty for me w/ no 'starting' accident beforehand. It's the first time I've been the one to witness this--Josh (hubby) and Julia (my MIL) have been the lucky ones so far.
I'm going to put together a "Journey through Potty Training, via Facebook statuses" entry soon. I also need to brag about all of my fabulous deals from the Spring Rhea Lana's Consignment Sale and do some updates on the progress in Ellie's room. I've just been swamped with teaching, potty training, cleaning, prepping for a new baby, and a few dozen other things my brain is too tired to list right now!
In quick news headlines, I had a great baby shower Saturday. Our Westview church family was so generous, and my lovely in-laws (mother-in-law, her mother, and two sister-in-laws) went in on a new camera so now I can take a 'belly shot' and keep the blog updated, complete with visual aids. ;) Also, Josh spent Saturday painting Ellie's room. He somehow managed not to kill me as I constantly let him know about paint drips and thin spots. My hero. :)
This picture doesn't capture the color well, but it gives a general idea (it's a beautiful, beachy, aqua blue)...

Easter was great. We spent the day with Josh's family. The kiddos had a blast! Ez was thrilled just to play with his eggs, hunting or no hunting. The candy was a nice bonus too. :)
Until next time,